Katrine Olsen's Portfolio

About Me
Don’t like shortcuts:
I enjoy learning, being able to explore and test things on my own. Getting the answer without an explanation of the process can be frustrating. I will often go through the process backwards, before moving forward again, to make sure I understand what lead to the answer.
I will try on my own to understand a problem, because it gives so much more, even if I fail I will have learned something from it. I know when I’m stuck and need another perspective, I will only ask for help if I believe I’m stuck.
What this section says about me:
Not afraid of a challenge
Guide in games:
Going in to games I approach it eyes wide and ready to learn, much like in life I enjoy learning as I do in games. When I’ve learned a skill or understood a feature, I will gladly share my knowledge and I often seek out new players who asks for help in order to guide them. I try match their preferences on how to learn and make sure I don’t give away answers when they don’t want them. I want to show them how amazing a game can be and I don’t want to ruin the first experience by oversharing.
I understand that people are different and that some people want to enjoy the game without having to learn complex systems, and others enjoy the challenge of understanding them just as much as I do.
What this section says about me:
Team player
Net worker
Game breaker:
Going in to games I always wonder, which game rules apply? If I can double jump, can I then reach the top of the world? Is this box a breakable object? What happens if I do this…
Because of this mentality I often find bugs or unintended features, then I will try to reproduce them to make sure it wasn't a fluke, while I document my findings for submission.
What this section says about me:
Sense of Quality